Ticket Buyer Bill of Rights Praises Passage of TICKET Act (HR 3950)

Last night, the House of Representatives voted 388 to 24 to pass the TICKET Act (HR 3950). The vote follows the unanimous vote in the full Energy & Commerce Committee in December. If enacted, the bill will:

  • Require simple, clear all-in pricing,

  • Ban speculative ticketing, 

  • Ban deceptive websites and deceptive website marketing

  • Provide fans a full refund to a canceled event or, if the event is postponed, a comparable replacement ticket, at the approval of the fan, 

  • Require a report from the FTC on BOTS Act Enforcement. 

This legislation is the most comprehensive consumer protection ticketing legislation to receive a floor vote since the BOTS Act passed in 2016.

The following can be attributed to the Ticket Buyer Bill of Rights Coalition. “Congratulations to Representatives Bilirakis and Schakowsky for achieving this important milestone. Today marks the furthest federal live event ticketing reform has gone in nearly a decade. We applaud them for their leadership and their willingness to engage all stakeholders, includingespecially consumer protection organizations, in seeking a truly comprehensive reform package which has consensus by virtually every stakeholder in the debate. We urge the Senate to send the TICKET Act to President Biden’s desk as expeditiously. 

Today is a momentous day for live event ticketing reform,” said Brian Hess, Executive Director of Sports Fans Coalition. “If enacted, this bill will guarantee sports fans all-in pricing, prohibitions on several deceptive sales tactics, and refund requirements for canceled events. We hope the Senate will pass this vital legislation and that President Biden will sign it shortly thereafter.”

“Fairness in live event ticketing took a huge step forward today,” said John Breyault, Vice President of Public Policy, Telecommunications and Fraud at the National Consumers League. “For decades, the simple act of buying a ticket to see your favorite artist or team has been an exercise in frustration. Thanks to leaders like Chairman Bilirakis and Ranking Member Schakowsky, the days that ticketing companies can get away with ridiculous ticket add-on fees and deceptive resale websites are numbered.”

“This bill lets fans know that when they buy a ticket to their favorite events they’ll be assured that the ticket is real, the price is clear and a refund is available if the event is cancelled. That’s some real progress for consumers,” said Ruth Susswein, Consumer Action’s Director of Consumer Protection.
